Mammography Initiative

Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms.
The Conway Medical Center Mammography Initiative was developed to assist women in the Conway Medical Center service area who cannot financially obtain necessary health screenings such as mammograms and other clinical breast examinations and services. Every dollar raised fuels our collective goal to ensure that every woman who needs an annual screening gets one and that those who need further assistance after a diagnosis receive it.
There is a 98% survival rate when breast cancer is detected early.

“If it wasn’t for the CMC Foundation I would not be here today. I found a lump in my breast and was referred to CMC to get a mammogram but almost didn’t call because I knew I couldn’t afford it. Someone told me about the Mammography Initiative and it literally saved my life. In October it will be two years that I will be cancer free!”
– Joanne Pittman, Conway, SC
Early detection saves lives
The breast cancer death rate among women peaked in 1989, and, as of 2019, has since declined by 42%. This is due to prevention efforts and making mammograms and other breast health services more accessible to everyone in every community. The decline in breast cancer death rates translates to approximately 431,800 fewer breast cancer deaths during this time period than would have been expected in the absence of this progress.
Since the inception of the CMC Mammography Initiative, more than $700,000 dollars have been raised and every dollar is making an impact on the women of our community and saving lives. We remain unwavering in our belief that every woman deserves access to cutting-edge 3D mammography screenings and the life-saving services they need in the event of a cancer diagnosis.
Making a difference & creating a movement
The CMC Foundation recognized that too many Horry County residents were not getting screened for breast cancer. The CMC Mammography Initiative was born out of that need to address the barriers that keep women from receiving the screenings and care they need.
Access to quality healthcare is important to reduce health disparities and improve the health status for people in Conway Medical Center’s service area.
Factors limiting care include:
- financial barriers
- personal and cultural barriers
- not knowing what to do or where to go
- physical or geographic barriers
- shortages in healthcare professionals and facilities
The CMC Foundation, through the Mammography Initiative, seeks to increase access to cutting-edge 3D Mammograms by bringing them directly to the people who otherwise would not be able to get them. Our CMC Mobile Mammography Center travels throughout our community and to some of the more rural areas of Horry County for those who struggle with convenient access to care. Our mammography services are offered free for people who qualify.

Every woman deserves a mammogram and finances should not determine whether they get one. Help us provide the screenings and services that local women need.
$100 Can be used for education and follow-up care
$250 One (1) underserved, local woman can receive a 3D mammogram
$500 Two (2) underserved, local women can receive 3D mammograms
$1000 Breast cancer follow-up care including biopsy and ultrasound
$5000 Twenty (20) underserved, local women can receive 3D mammograms OR five (5) can receive follow-up care including biopsy and ultrasound
Request Assistance
One phone call could save your life.
If you or a loved one is in need of an annual screening mammogram or other breast cancer follow-up care, there may be assistance available to you through the CMC Foundation. You may have the option to access our program if you are:
- Uninsured or under-insured, and
- Do not qualify for the Best Chance Network program
To see if you qualify, please call 843-347-8170.

Community Partners for Breast Health
The impact that the CMC Foundation’s Mammography Initiative has had on our community would not be possible without the assistance and commitment of our generous community partners.