Getting to Know Dr. Vinod Chaubey
Dr. Vinod Chaubey has had a busy few months. He and his wife had their first child in May, he moved from Massachusetts, and he started work at CMC Cardiology in July. Now, he is part of a team of medical professionals who are branching out and expanding cardiac care for Conway Medical Center. CMC’s Cardiac Catheterization Lab will now include PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention). Dr. Chaubey and others will provide a wider scope of services, including cardiac catheterization, balloon angioplasty, and bare metal stent placement, along with the continuation of pacemaker and intra-cardiac defibrillator services. “These are life-saving procedures,” Dr. Chaubey said. “Folks have heart attacks, and if you do not open the artery, there can be serious consequences. Unfortunately, some don’t even make it to hospital. When I see people come in having a heart attack and in great pain, it is almost like a sense of doom. Then when I open the artery, the person is completely different. There is a great sense of satisfaction in the work, and you can save their life.”